CAPIGI & NIVA Stakeholder-Forum
22 April 2022 | Dublin, Ireland
CAPIGI and NIVA project organised the stakeholder-forum on the 22nd of April, to discuss how geospatial data can be better harmonised between agri-data plataforms. With data getting a more prominent role in farm management, in governance and in services, access to data becomes more inescapable. Platfroms arise and an ecosystem of dataspaces is evolving. We had great presentations from: Tom McHugh (ICONGeo), Marjan van Meerlo (DG RTD), Doris Marquardt (DG AGRI), Juan Campos (ICON GEO), Veronica Nyhan (Teagasc), Tamme van der Wal (CAPIGI/WUR), Folkwin Poelman (NIVA) and Wies Vullings (WUR).
You can find the recordings of the meeting below:

CAPIGI Webinar | "When will spray drones lift off?"
22nd of February 2022 | 10.30 - 12.00 hrs (CET)
The use of drones is growing exponentially: Drones are agile, fast and efficient. Drone-based applications and services in agriculture are evolving rapidly. One of these applications is using drones for spraying crop protection agents. In Asia, drones have already been in use for decades for crop spraying in particular for wetlands, or steep and hilly terrain. In Europe, experiences are growing for instance in the steep vineyards in Germany. Also, interests are growing to use drones for spotspraying or for avoidance of soil compaction. So what is the state-of-the-art concering technology, applications, regulations? What are the pros and cons? And most importantly, when will spray drones lift off in practice? Learn more and join us at the CAPIGI webinar 22nd of February 2022 10.30 hrs. Discover when and why spraying drones can come into play.